The quarantine period for the Rajasthan Royals players has been a blessing in disguise for the Royals fans. Each day a couple of players have been interacting with the fans on the Royals’ social media platforms through LIVEs and Q&As. Riyan Parag, who loves to interact with fans lived it up to the fullest, apart from his usual quarantine rituals. And, he had his kids join in on the Instagram takeover too.
Riyan started off with an Instagram LIVE with the fans on the Rajasthan Royals page. Taking questions & answering them was as efficient as his range of shot-making on the pitch. This session was followed by the takeover. And, he started it by introducing his soft toys (read kids) – Sydney, Maera, Oscar & Samaera – all of them, incredibly cute.
In the presence of Samaera’s vigilant eyes, Riyan completed 28 push-ups in one go. We bet, Samaera would have hoped that Riyan would get to 30. He spends a fair amount of time on the bicycle in his room’s balcony.
Riyan then turned to his oldest kid, Oscar, who, he claims is his nutritionist. Oscar recommended two options for Riyan to have for lunch – grilled chicken and seared sea bass. The all-rounder threw the court open to the fans to make the decision for him. Grilled chicken was the outright winner with close to 80% votes.
After digging into the chunky pieces of meat, Riyan paired up with Sydney to play a quick game. The teamwork paid off as they managed a few kills.
After a busy first half, Riyan decided to hit the sack for a few hours. When he woke up, he was fresh and it was Netflix time for him and Maera. The duo watched a few episodes of Suits, which is one of their current favourites. There’s some catching up for them to do before they can get to the current season.
After having light dinner, Parag tucked his kids in like a good Papa. He waits for his children to go to bed, before he crashes for the day. He had a long day, interacting with you guys, working out, playing video games and also keeping his kids entertained. Meanwhile, all the other players have put in their share of efforts to keep the Royals fans entertained. With an entertaining vlog, they have ensued that their quarantine routines are captured on cameras.