Ahead of the upcoming season 15 of the Indian Premier League (IPL), the playing squad and support staff of Royals Sports Group-owned franchise Rajasthan Royals has started arriving at their team hotel in Mumbai. In order to add a surprise element during the welcome, iconic and most loved duo of Tom & Jerry, along with their new friend from Cartoon Network, the coolest superhero in town, Ekans, greeted the players and support staff.

Please find below some pictures from their respective arrivals.

Photo Caption: Rajasthan Royals\" Director of Cricket and Head Coach Kumar Sangakkara watches on as Cartoon Network\"s characters Tom & Jerry and superhero Ekans pose with him during his arrival at the team hotel in Mumbai.

Photo Caption: Rajasthan Royals\" opening batter Yashasvi Jaiswal poses with Cartoon Network\"s characters Tom & Jerry and superhero Ekans upon his arrival at the team hotel in Mumbai.

Photo Caption: Rajasthan Royals\" all-rounder Riyan Parag poses with Cartoon Network\"s characters Tom & Jerry and Ekans upon his arrival at the team hotel in Mumbai.

Photo Caption: Rajasthan Royals\" Director of Cricket and Head Coach Kumar Sangakkara poses with Cartoon Network\"s characters Tom & Jerry and superhero Ekans upon his arrival at the team hotel in Mumbai.

Photo Caption: Rajasthan Royals\" players Shubham Garhwal (2nd from left), Anunay Singh (3rd from left), and Riyan Parag (4th from left) pose with Cartoon Network\"s characters Tom & Jerry and Ekans during their arrival at the team hotel in Mumbai.